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Mrs Maguire's Garden


Cross Stitch Chart or Kit

Stitch Count: 93w x 118h

  • Design size worked on 28ct Linen or 14ct Aida: 16.6cm x 21.5cm
  • Design size worked on 32ct Linen or 16ct Aida: 14.5cm x 18.5cm

Stitched 2 thread over 2 threads

DMC Threads: 356, 613, 640, 733, 639, 780, 869, 3011, 3021, 3787, 3828, 3829 

Suggested Fabric: Natural/Raw Zweigart 28ct

When ordering fabric allow 7-10cm extra fabric on all sides for finishing

Can be matched with Mrs Maguire's Hen House and Mrs Maguire's Bee-Charmers. Many of the thread colours are used across them

Kit Contents:

  • Chart
  • 28ct 'Natural' Linen
  • DMC Threads
  • Needle