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Vibrant Flowers


Cross Stitch Chart

Stitch Count: 99w x 161h

Design size worked on 28ct Linen or 14ct Aida: 17.7cm x 28.8cm

Design size worked on 32ct Linen or 16ct Aida: 15.5cm x 25cm

Suggested Thread: It is worked in silks but DMC conversions are: 502, 152, 3064, 355, 3777, 815, 732, 367, 3047, 3045, 729, Blanc, 310. Pin cushion 152, 3064, 355, 3777, 815, 732, 3047, 729, 610, 898.

Stitched 1 over 2

Suggested Fabric: Weeks Dye Works col Linen

When ordering fabric allow approximately 10cm extra fabric around all sides for finishing